Feb 25 2011
My name is Steve Price and the name Loopz has been associated with me for the majority of my life.
Loopz was the name of the zine I created in the early 90s.
Loopz is the name of the website (www.loopz.co.uk) that became the official ORBITAL website.
Loopz is the name of the Broadcasts Icreated for his weekly radio show of electronica featuring dj and live sets from various respected musical artists.
Loopz is the name I use whenever I dj.
Loopz is also the name of my music venture. www.loopz-music.com has been setup to highlight my music ramblings.
Loopz is no longer just about Orbital. It is time to spread my wings and try to blog about other subjects that interest me. It could be very random.
In 2011 it was decided that the Loopz website would become more of an archive site. It doesn’t mean it’s winding down, but I did want to be able to update the site in a quick and timely way. This is why it’s now turned into a blog, as well as a place which holds pages of information of other interests. I want to encourage interaction, communication just like we had in the older days of Loopz. The forum is still there and it’s still active enough to keep open.
2011 was also the year of a new Orbital website, which i am also connected with. The Orbital Blog (Loopz) will now host bits that can’t post on orbitalofficial. It makes things a lot more interesting from both sides and as you can see by the orbital audio/video on here…there are plenty of things for Orbital fans to watch and listen here
We come to the close of 2013 and there will be another shift for the Loopz website. no longer a site just about Orbital but more traditional blog ramblings of other hobbies and subjects I like. Watch this space…
Forum Photo : Taken by Leah “Punky” whilst flying off the east coast of America, just North of New York.
Hello. well i have a simple question for you… have you ever again visit poland????
Mr. Price, I have many, many things I’d like to say, but for now, may I please ask you how I would go about asking permission to remix an Orbital track/have them remix something of mine (THAT would be a dream come true, srsly.) Thank you for keeping the site going. You and the bros can chk out my tunes here: http://www.reverbnation.com/liquidtree
I luckily got to see them here in Atlanta, GA, USA, back in the day when they last toured here. Are there any plans for a USA tour again? PLEASE! =)
Have a great day, everyone.
hey steve i was hoping u might contact me about the orbital spring tour ’12 i am having some difficulties with ticket acquisitions and was hoping you might be able to help me sort things. i live in alaska and want to hit the full run of shows so i dont want any suprises after travelling 9 thousand miles. your time would greatly be appreciated and i assure you i will take as little of it as possible. thank you
The old Loopz was extremely cool. This is just nasty. Shame.
I would like to get tickets for Brighton ,but I like to support my independant record store, Rough Trade and don’t wish to buy from HMV.
Been a fan since The Subterraen gig in the eighties. Looking forward to hearing Wonky.
Hello! This is just one letter from a fan … but … I’m also a musician. Unfortunately, the girl who was my muse, had to give up, even though I loved her. After that I lost my inspiration and peace of mind. It was a difficult stage. But then my friend showed me a concert of two people who have played live … Your music has awakened in me the desire to create and returned the rest to my soul. I thought if these guys can, I can also. You have everything you could possibly be. Despite the fact that my letter probably will not read – I want to thank you, Orbital. Because you give the world. For what you gave me. Nikolai, Russia.
Hi ! I wish for my birthday (27.07) Orbital to come here in Bergen , Norway 🙂 well , or at least someday … I do really receive a lot inspiration…a good feeling… from the music of theirs ! It’s a little difficult to describe with words . I am so glad that I’m living in these years … Don’t really know about the future , but now is quite fun to live like a human being ! Thank you for doing such a good “thing” for todays generation ! Love you !