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Orbital improvisations,playing live and screwing somethingup

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 2:44 pm
by Kyblik
can anyone write me down, what are main differences between Orbital playing live and other electronic bands 'playing live'??
i know that Orbital are improvising a lot and can screw it up sometimes as everybody heard in Brixton 24th in the middle of Remind :) thats realy nice 'addition'.

can anyone explain me how and what they push, pick, pull and so?? i have no idea how it works. do they have some sequecies and timing when to press this and that buttom or what??
thx and excuse my unknowledge :)

Re: Orbital improvisations,playing live and screwing somethingup

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 6:14 pm
by user name
Kyblik wrote:can anyone explain me how and what they push, pick, pull and so?? i have no idea how it works. do they have some sequecies and timing when to press this and that buttom or what??
thx and excuse my unknowledge
you need to read the future music interview from this summer , but if you have no technical knowledge it may leave you nun the wiser...

Re: Orbital improvisations,playing live and screwing somethingup

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 12:15 pm
by davemacfrombath
Kyblik wrote:i know that Orbital are improvising a lot and can screw it up sometimes :)
Orbital never 'screw it up', they have 'live features'. <finger wagging>

I hardly ever even notice the 'finger trouble' and, even when I do I soon forget about it.

You should consider them one of the boyz' many endearing characteristics.... <smiley face>

Re: Orbital improvisations,playing live and screwing somethingup

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 1:28 pm
by davemacfrombath
just found this which explains things, briefly, in laymen's terms.